Yesterday Buster was really, really sick. He had eaten some cake and bread during the night before so he had diarrhea. Suddenly in the afternoon he started to move very carefully, all muscles stiff, he didn't want to sit, he couldn't jump, he was limping his left rear leg a little. I was really worried, checking for the nearest vet clinic and everything. But then I noticed he had a tiny tiny stick in his paw and after I took it away, he was getting back to normal  A little sentitive he is...

In the morning he was really energetic, jumping and running so I dared to take him for a walk with Irene and Nailah.

Mooooo-oooom, Buster is boring


Why won't he play with me?


Come on come on come on come on...


Oh, okay, but only if you let me win!


Buster needs to learn...

...NOT to go to other peoples yards